About me

About me

Eveline Krause

My promise

  • Quick preparation of offers within 24 hours at the latest
  • Transparent delivery times and prices
  • Careful familiarization with your instructions
  • 100% commitment to your translation project

Ongoing training

  • Association of Interpreters and Translators (BDÜ)
  • American Translator Association (ATA)
  • Language University Germersheim
  • European IT Academy of Law gGmbH
  • Coursera

My education

  • State-certified translator since 1995
  • State-certified interpreter since 1995
  • Publicly sworn since 1996

My competence

  • In-depth research
  • Rapid implementation ability
  • Careful quality check
  • Broad knowledge of specialist terminology
  • Creative formulation

My experience

  • 29 years of translations for the technical industry
  • 18 years of translations for the pharmaceutical industry
  • 29 years of certified translations

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