
Translations and linguistic services


Focus on specialization, not mass

Translation and language services in the fields of medicine, pharmacy, and life science.

Life Science & Medicine

I specialized in the field of medicine, pharmaceuticals and life science for the translation of English texts into German. In the past 29 years, I had already every topic and every material from these areas on my table. Benefit from decades of professional experience as a trained and specialist translator.

Modern word processing

High quality and highly compatible translation software for fast and high quality translations
In order to keep up with the rapid changes in the translation industry, I am continuously integrating new software for my language services. I have licenses for the most common CAT tools, so you can send me your materials in any format.

SW-based quality and speed

I work with globally recognized and highly compatible translation software that is ideal for classic translation as well as full and light post-editing. With these smart tools, you are guaranteed to receive high quality and fast turnaround.

Translations from a Pro

Publicly appointed and sworn translator since 1996

Certified translations

As a publicly sworn translator for the English language, appointed by the Regional Court of Munich I, I can certify any content I have translated for you. This is particularly important for documents that must be submitted to the authorities, notaries, and lawyers.
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